Have you ever asked yourself the following questions:
What kind of human being am I? What are my strengths? What are my weaknesses? What can I do that will help me become a better person? How does who I am impact others and the world around me?
Mussar offers an answer. The study and practice of Mussar is a centuries old Jewish tradition that fosters personal and spiritual growth. It is as relevant today as it was 1000 years ago.
You can live a meaningful, ethical life by examining your inner middot, soul traits, and cultivating behavior that is an expression of the best version of yourself. Mussar will guide you toward overcoming your inner obstacles. As you improve the quality of you own character, you will improve the relationships you have with others. Through personal transformation, you will improve the civility of the world in which we live.
Together we will exercise our souls using text study, group discussion, study with a chevruta (partner), journaling and experiential practices.
The following courses are being offered by the TST Center for Jewish Spirituality:
Mussar 1 – Beginner
No prior Mussar experience necessary
Wednesdays, 10/30, 11/13, 11/27, 12/11, 1/8/2025, 1/22/2025 and 2/5/2025
7:15 to 8:45 on Zoom (with an opportunity to meet in person for one or more of the sessions if the group chooses to do so)
We will be exploring six-character traits (middot) including Humility, Anger, Gratitude and others. Guidance on the practice of Mussar, including how to study Mussar texts, will be provided.
Class size is limited to 10.
Register here Mussar 1 – Event – Temple Shir Tikva (shulcloud.com)
Mussar 2
Prerequisite: Mussar 1
Tuesdays 10/22, 11/5, 11/19, 12/3, 12/17, 1/14/2025 and 1/28/2025
7:15-8:45 pm on Zoom (with an opportunity to meet in person for one or more of the sessions if the group chooses to do so)
Mussar 2 builds on the learning and practice done in Mussar 1. We will explore new middot (traits) including, Patience, Forgiveness, Simplicity and others. We also will begin to understand the relationship between traits and how this can support our growth.
Class size is limited to 10.
Register here Mussar 2 – Event – Temple Shir Tikva (shulcloud.com)
Mussar 3
Continuing va’ad, but open to anyone who meets the prerequisites and would like to reengage with Mussar
Prerequisites: Mussar 1 and 2
Tuesdays 9/24, 10/8, 10/22, 11/5, 11/19, 12/3, 12/17
7:15 -8:45 pm on Zoom (with an opportunity to meet in person for one or more of the sessions if the group chooses to do so)
Register here Mussar 3 – Event – Temple Shir Tikva (shulcloud.com)
Mussar 4
Parents of Toddlers to Teens
Prerequisites: Mussar 1,2,3 and 4 for Toddlers to Teens.
Your children are already learning about and practicing the middot (traits) that will help them walk through the world as mensches. This is an opportunity to better understand what they are learning so that you can all practice together at home and out in the world. Participants will be required to meet with an assigned Chevrutah (learning partner) at least once between each in-person Sunday session. Chevruatas can meet in person or on zoom as per the needs of each learning pair.
Facilitated by Cantor Hollis ()
6 Vad in-person session dates: Sundays, 9/8, 9/22, 10/20, 11/3, 11/24, 12/15
Register here Mussar 4 for Parents of Toddlers to Teens – Event – Temple Shir Tikva (shulcloud.com)
Mussar 5
Continuing va’ad
Prerequisites: Mussar 1,2,3 and 4.
Tuesdays, 10/15, 10/29, 11/12, 11/26, 12/10, 12/24, 1/7/2025
7:00 PM – 8:45 PM on Zoom
Facilitated by Jay Gainsboro ()
Register here Mussar 5 – Event – Temple Shir Tikva (shulcloud.com)
Scholarships are available. Please discuss with Cantor Hollis.
Note: All Mussar classes have limited registration in order to provide an intimate class experience. Registration will close ONE WEEK before classes are scheduled to begin. If more students register than can be accommodated, instructors will hold a lottery. You will be notified a few days before the class is scheduled to begin to confirm your registration.