
We believe deeply in the importance of community, of exploration, and of teens behind the wheel of their own experiences. We believe that relationships are the foundation of community, and that investment is at the heart of engagement. To live up to these beliefs, our TSTeen program now includes more opportunities for engagement, growth and learning than ever before. We always seek to engage our teens in what Jewishly compels them – as well as to give them a place, and a people, they can call their second home.

If you are a prospective TSTeen, or if you have any questions about our programming, please reach out to our Director of Youth Engagement, Jenna Friedman, at . She would love to hear from you, and she would love even more to treat you to ice cream.

Our TSTeen Program offers the five following programs:

  • Madrichim – Our Classroom Leadership Program for Grades 7-12 Students
  • STIFTY – Our Synagogue Youth Group, for Grades 8-12 Students (Junior STIFTY for Grades 7+8)
  • AISH – Our Wednesday Evening Teen Learning and Community Program for Grades 7-12 Students
  • T³ (tCubed): Team Teen Tikkun – Our Once-Per-Month Teen Social Action Initiative for Grades 8-10 Students
  • Moving Traditions – Our Once-Per-Month Gender Identity Exploration and Community Through A Jewish Lens Program for Grades 8-11 Students