
Madrichim: our dynamic Religious School classroom leadership program for Grades 7-12 teens. Students serve as a Madrich/a/col (guide) in a Religious School classroom, making connections with the students, helping out teachers, and even running activities of their own!

In order to serve as a Madrich/a/col in the coming year, you must:

  1. Submit a Program Application and sign and return the Madrichim Brit Avodah (work contract)
  2. Formally register for the program by registering for TSTeens (and selecting Madrichim) on Shulcloud.
  3. Schedule a time to have a brief 1-on-1 with Jenna Friedman before the Madrichim Orientation on Wednesday evening, September 4th.

Participation in the Madrichim program is included in the TSTeen fee.