High Holy Days

Please note that registration is required to attend all services!


Click each registrant type to access registration instructions.

For Members of Temple Shir Tikva

Registration is required for all services. Instead of mailed tickets, TST will provide registrants with a registration confirmation email. Please bring an electronic or printed copy of this confirmation email to every service you plan to attend. 

Registration is free for all members in good financial standing and their children 25 years old or younger. If you need to make a payment to your account, please contact Office Manager Christina Loftus at or (508) 358-9992 ext. 1. 

Members can also register family members for $100 per person while registering themselves.

Member Registration

For Members of Other URJ Congregations

We welcome members of other URJ congregations to worship with us as reciprocal guests through the Courtesy Seating Request Program. There are two steps to register. First, please fill out the URJ form linked below. Second, please contact Executive Director Dan Brosgol with your registration request at or (508) 358-9992.

Request courtesy seating here

For Future Members

Yeladim services on both Rosh Hashanah Day I and Yom Kippur are open to members and those who have not yet joined TST. These afternoon services are geared toward families with children six years old and under. If you are not a TST member and would like to sign up for Yeladim services, you can do so at the member registration link below. Please contact Executive Director Dan Brosgol with your registration request at or (508) 358-9992.

Yeladim registration for future members

Schedule of Services and Programs

Click each title below for a drop-down menu of all services and programs. 

Selichot: September 28

Selichot | Saturday, September 28

Evening Selichot Program – TBD

Rosh Hashanah: October 2-4

Erev Rosh Hashanah | Wednesday, October 2

8:00 PM – Evening Service, Sanctuary and Livestream

Rosh Hashanah Day I | Thursday, October 3

9:00 AM – Morning Service, Sanctuary and Livestream

11:30 AM – B’Yachad Morning Service, Camp Chickami (rain location: Sanctuary) and Livestream

2:30 PM – Yeladim Service, Camp Chickami (rain location: Sanctuary) and Livestream

4:00 PM – Tashlich, Location Wayland Town Beach

Rosh Hashanah Day II | Friday, October 4

10:00 AM – Morning Service, Sanctuary and Livestream

Yom Kippur: October 11-12

Erev Yom Kippur | Friday, October 11

8:00 PM – Kol Nidrei Evening Service, Sanctuary and Livestream

Yom Kippur | Saturday, October 12

9:00 AM – Morning Service, Sanctuary and Livestream

11:30 AM – B’Yachad Morning Service, Camp Chickami (rain location: Sanctuary) and Livestream

1:30 PM – 4:20 pm – Afternoon Programming 

Members can attend one to three programs, as there are at least two programs offered each session. Each program lasts 50 minutes, and starts on the half hour. Please register for every program you plan to attend.

  • 1:30 pm – 2:20 pm: 1A) Mindful Movement or 1B) The Book of Jonah
    • Mindful Movement with Holly Glick,  Zoom
      • Expand and deepen your spiritual experience of this sacred holiday through a gentle movement practice. Mindful Movement is offered as a pathway to encounter and embody the holiness of Yom Kippur. Through careful attention to the breath and body, return (t’shuvah) to your truest and best self. All are welcome.
    • The Book of Jonah, Sanctuary and Livestream  
      • Our Yom Kippur afternoon Haftarah is the Book of Jonah. He may be the most successful Prophet in our Bible, and yet he is most well known for being swallowed by a giant fish. Join our clergy as we delve deeper into the text to learn about Jonah and the lessons for today.
  • 2:30 pm – 3:20 pm: 2A) Mussar or 2B) Healing Service or 2C) Yeladim Service
    • Mussar, Zoom
      • Yom Kippur is a time for reflection and renewed commitment to change for the better. The study and practice of Mussar can help you determine where you will focus your efforts and provide a roadmap for your journey. People of all experience levels are welcome.
    • Healing Service, Beit Midrash only
      • Gather for a service of reflective prayer, poetry, comfort, and care in community, for all of us in need of healing—for ourselves and those we love. Please note: this service will be offered only in person due to its sensitive nature.
    • Yom Kippur Yeladim Service, Camp Chickami (rain location: Sanctuary) and Livestream
      • It’s time for Yom Kippur Yeladim, a service designed for our youngest (and most adorable) members- kids 0-5- with songs, prayers, dancing and a story. This service is open to members and those who are not yet members of Temple Shir Tikva by registration request using the main registration form.
  • 3:30 pm – 4:20 pm: 3A) Meditation or 3B) Rabbis in Conversation
    • Meditation, Zoom
      • Using a combination of meditation, niggunim, breathing exercises, etc. we will explore themes such as compassion, forgiveness, relationship with self, others and G-d, letting go and looking ahead. No experience necessary, all are welcome!
    • Rabbis in Conversation, Sanctuary and Livestream
      • This is becoming an annual tradition, as Rabbi Blumberg and Rabbi Danny share a conversation about the pressing issues affecting Judaism and our world.

2:30 PM – Yeladim Service, Camp Chickami (rain location: Sanctuary) and Livestream

4:30 PM – Afternoon Service, Sanctuary and Livestream

5:15 PM (approx.) – Yizkor, Sanctuary and Livestream

6:00 PM – Neilah: Closing the Gates, Sanctuary and Livestream

Sukkot and Simchat Torah: October 17-24

Sukkot Day I | Thursday, October 17

8:00 AM – Sukkot Morning Service, Zoom and Livestream

Sukkot Shabbat | Friday, October 18

6:15 PM – Kabbalat Shabbat Service, followed by Sukkot Under the Stars Oneg,
Sanctuary and Livestream, then Sukkah (rain location: Social Hall B)

Simchat Torah Evening | Wednesday, October 23

5:00 PM – Simchat Torah Celebration, TST

Simchat Torah Morning | Monday, October 24

8:00 AM – Yom Tov Morning Service with Yizkor, Zoom and Livestream

Descriptions of Services


Selichot is a beautiful tradition of joining together on the Saturday evening before Rosh Hashanah to mark the beginning of the High Holy Day season, including reflection, song, and changing the Torah scrolls into their special white mantles for this sacred time.


Tashlich (תשליך/lit. casting away) is a ritual performed each year during the High Holy Days as a way to symbolically cast off sins by tossing leaves, stones, bread crumbs, etc. into natural bodies of flowing water.

Morning Services

Our 9:00 am Rosh HaShanah Morning and Yom Kippur Morning services are full, traditional services, available in-person and online.

B'Yachad Services

Our B’yachad service will be held at Camp Chickami and viewable on Livestream. It will be an interactive service for everyone, especially families with children in grades 3-7. B’Yachad means “together” and this is intended a service for us all to join together in prayer and song. (Note that in previous years, this was offered as our Early Morning Family Service). 

Camp Chickami is located directly behind Temple Shir Tikva and offers a beautiful outdoor venue for us to celebrate together. The path to Camp Chickami contains some uneven ground and a flight of stairs. It is possible to access the field in a wheelchair, however it is not easy. Please see the “Accessibility” section below for further information. You must bring your own seating (chairs or blankets); no chairs will be provided. You are encouraged to dress appropriately for an outdoor service – comfortable clothing and sunblock, shoes for walking across fields – and to bring water. 

In the event of bad weather, we will move the the service indoors to the Sanctuary, with limited seating and Livestream access. All updates about the location of the service will be provided here on the Temple Shir Tikva website.


For families with young children (yeladim/ילדים), ages 0-6. These services are designed for the whole family to join us as we sing, dance, and pray together. These services will be held at Camp Chickami and are viewable on Livestream.

Camp Chickami is located directly behind Temple Shir Tikva and offers a beautiful outdoor venue for us to celebrate together.. The path to Camp Chickami contains some uneven ground and a flight of stairs. It is possible to access the field in a wheelchair, however it is not easy. Please see the “Accessibility” section below for further information. You must bring your own seating (chairs or blankets); no chairs will be provided. You are encouraged to dress appropriately for an outdoor service – comfortable clothing and sunblock, shoes for walking across fields – and to bring water. 

In the event of bad weather, we will move the the service indoors to the Sanctuary, with limited seating and Livestream access. All updates about the location of the service will be provided here on the Temple Shir Tikva website.

Yom Kippur Afternoon and Evening Services

Afternoon Service

We continue our day of reflection, music, and prayer with the traditional afternoon service, including the humorous story of the book of Jonah.


We join for a service of memory, in song, poetry, and quiet contemplation, remembering those who have we’ve lost.

Neilah: The Closing of the Gates

Join us for the closing service of Yom Kippur. As we conclude the day, our mood shifts from solemnity to joy, as we celebrate our emergence into the new year.

Things to Know


Sanctuary Services

Services held in the Sanctuary are accessible by those with mobility supports (canes, crutches, rollators, wheelchairs) by flat brick paths and carpeted floors. New this year, our first floor bathrooms have been fitted with electronic door openers to make it easier for people who are mobility impaired to access them. There are accessible stalls with stability supports in both bathrooms. Additionally, for those who need, there are single use bathrooms on the second floor, accessible by elevator and stairs.

If you are in need of seating such as an accessible aisle seat, a chair with arms, or space for a wheelchair, please reach out to Karen Edwards ((508) 358-9992 or ) by Monday, September 30 to let her know which service(s) you plan to attend and what type of assistance we can provide. We ask that you arrive early so that we can ensure appropriate accommodations.

Camp Chickami Services

Services held at Camp Chickami are difficult to access for those with mobility support needs. The main path includes a flight of stairs and uneven ground. It is possible to access the field through a uneven side path, however it is not easy. Additionally, seating is not provided, so please remember to bring chairs or blankets! If it is your preference to attend the Chickami services and you would like to make an access plan, please contact Karen Edwards ((508) 358-9992 or ), and we will be sure to have ushers there to offer support.

Additional Information

Assistive Listening Devices are available from our Ushers.

Accessible Parking is available in the Temple Shir Tikva parking lot. 

If you have other accessibility needs, we would love to work with you to provide what accommodations we can. Please contact Karen Edwards ((508) 358-9992 or ) to discuss your needs.

Scroll of Remembrance

Each year, we honor the memory of our loved ones on Yom Kippur and festivals throughout the year through the Scroll of Remembrance. Watch the video above to learn more from Rabbi Danny about the purpose of the Scroll and its importance as a ritual for our community. The deadline for submitting names for the 5785 Scroll is September 5, 2024. Please contact Karen Edwards ((508) 358-9992 or ) with any questions.

To see the names you submitted last year, click the button below.

5784 Scroll of Remembrance Names

To submit names for the 5785 Scroll of Remembrance, click the button below.

Submit your loved ones’ names


Both accessible and general parking will be available in the Temple Shir Tikva lot. Overflow parking will be available for all High Holy Day services at the Camp Chickami lot next door, on all days but Rosh Hashanah Day II at the Islamic Center of Boston (ICB) located at 126 Boston Post Road, and for morning services at Jindu Asian Cuisine at 131 Boston Post Road.


Safety and security are of utmost importance for all of us. Police officers and security personnel will monitor our property and assist with traffic control throughout the High Holy Days.

Borrowing Prayer Books

If you choose to join us for services from home, and would like to borrow High Holy Day prayer books, machzorim, you can pick them up at TST Monday through Friday, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.

Usher and Greeter Volunteers

We are looking for Ushers and Greeters to welcome and direct our community. Please contact Executive Director Dan Brosgol  at or (508) 358-9992 if you can help greet during the holidays.