Temple Shir Tikva is a Reform Jewish synagogue in the heart of the Metrowest Boston area. At TST we strive to offer the best in education beginning with our Early Learning Center, continuing to our K-6 Religious School & Teen Community Programming, and Adult Education & Torah Studies. Our active and engaging community initiatives, and joyful social & cultural activities encourage our members to develop close, meaningful relationships in a hectic suburban world.
If you are considering joining a temple we invite you to inquire about our 1-YEAR COMMUNITY-SUPPORTED MEMBERSHIP. Our 1 Year Community-Supported Membership invites any first-time individual or family to become a member at no cost for their first year. Religious school fees do apply, but programs and services, including religious services, social and educational programs, and lifecycle events are available. Community-Supported membership is also offered to any family with a child enrolled at the TST Early Learning Center. Additionally, any child that graduates from our ELC is offered a complimentary year of Kindergarten Religious School. Regular school fees still apply for older children enrolled in religious school. We are so confident that once a new member/family “tries out” Temple Shir Tikva, they will enthusiastically continue to be part of the TST family.
To inquire about Community-Supported Membership, contact Dan Brosgol, Executive Director or complete our online membership application.