We are proud to introduce the new Temple Shir Tikva Loyalty Circle. Debuting alongside our existing Koach Leadership Circle, the Loyalty Circle honors the commitment and generosity of our members who, year after year, have consistently contributed $1,000 or more to the Annual Fund. This new program recognizes the loyalty of these members who have generously supported the Temple with a gift of $1,000 or more to the Annual Fund each year for the past three, five, or ten or more consecutive fiscal years, through the creation of three loyalty recognition levels:
Three consecutive years Five consecutive years Ten or more consecutive years
We are grateful for all our dedicated members who have demonstrated their commitment to support Temple Shir Tikva every year.
To become a member of the Loyalty Circle, make a gift of $1,000 or more to the TST Annual Fund three or more years in a row. To maintain your Loyalty Circle membership, continue to give $1,000 or more each year to the Annual Fund. Consecutive years of giving are counted by fiscal year, which runs from July 1 to June 30.
We gratefully acknowledge the inaugural members of the Temple Shir Tikva Loyalty Circle:
(for their gifts as of February 2024)
Chaverim (Friends) Level
Three Consecutive Years of Gifts of $1,000 or More to the Annual Fund
Rabbi Herman and Paula Blumberg Allan and Rebecca Chasen Michael and Leslie Gaffin Neil Golden Evelyn and John Neumeyer David and Nancy Poorvu
Marilyn Porter and Gerald Friedler Michael and Wendy Price Paul and Annette Roberts Jonathan and Rachel Sieber Marvin and Joan Siflinger Mark and Elizabeth Volk
Chalutzim (Pioneers) Level
Five Consecutive Years of Gifts of $1,000 or More to the Annual Fund
Robert and Carole Bellman Philip Benjaminand Melinda Milberg Rabbi Danny Burkeman and Micol Zimmerman Burkeman Lawrence and Holly Glick Nancy Gossels Herbert and Karen Kavet Mark and Joan Lappin Adam and Jacquelyn Loren Roy and Virginia MacDowell Nan Morgart
Bruce Pastor Doreen and James Rao Alan and Cathy Regensburger Richard and Debra Romanow Jessica Rubinstein Daniel Schneider and Julie Kniznik James and Rosalie Shane Ira and Linda Shoolman Rebecca Sommers and Zachary Sadek Candace and Lee Steingisser
Shutafim (Partners) Level
Ten or More Consecutive Years of Gifts of $1,000 or More to the Annual Fund
Cary and Susan Benjamin Chester and Diane Black Susan and Scott Cohen William and Ami Danoff Stuart Falber Jeffrey and Loren Feingold Jay and Barbara Gainsboro Lawrence and Beth Greenberg Steven and Judith Kaye Robert Koster Roy Lurie and Mary Beth Rettger Jeff Maimon Edward Perlman and Betsy Huntley Edward and Janet Polansky Marcia Rosenberg Douglas and Andi Shaw Robert and Myra Snyder Stephen and Trudy Sonis Scott and Laurene Sperling