Our Mission

Temple Shir Tikva is an inclusive, welcoming, and growing community, dedicated to making Judaism relevant in the 21st century. We aspire to be the heart of Jewish living and practice in MetroWest, a community for deep engagement with Torah and our traditions, for meaningful acts of social justice, and for building strong connections with one another.


  1. In providing a Jewish experience that is relevant and authentic to every individual on their own Jewish journey, inspiring each of us to deepen our engagement with Jewish life and learning.
  2. In fostering and strengthening an open, welcoming and inclusive Jewish community where everyone feels at home, from our youngest to our oldest members.
  3. In creating our shared Jewish future together, as learners, seekers and leaders, with an open mind, a sense of curiosity, innovation and optimism, by applying and adapting the teachings of Torah and our tradition to today’s world and the unknown challenges that lie ahead.
  4. In finding spiritual connection in a secular world through meaningful worship, inspiring music, creative Jewish practice, and a commitment to excellence in Jewish learning for our entire community that challenges all of us to deepen our Jewish engagement and to reflect on our connection to the Divine.
  5. Our community thrives on a high level of interpersonal caring and involvement across the generations. We have a profound commitment to one another that sustains us, and a passion for building relationships that deepens the connections among us.
  6. In our responsibility to forge strong partnerships with the local community and our neighbors of other traditions and faiths to help promote friendship, inclusivity, and understanding.
  7. As an integral part of the Jewish community, we have a responsibility to grow and foster Judaism in the MetroWest region alongside nurturing a commitment to Israel and the global Jewish community.
  8. It is critical to engage and excite the next generation to embrace Jewish life and learning.
  9. It is our responsibility to do God’s work in the world, finding spiritual connections through meaningful acts of social justice and Tikkun Olam (“Repairing the World”).
  10. We are blessed to have a diverse membership, bringing everyone together regardless of their background, race, gender, or sexuality. We embrace our many interfaith families, grateful for the gifts that they bring as a core and valued part of our community.

welcoming congregants welcoming each other at boston suburb temple