Social Action is a foundational component of our teen program at Shir Tikva. At TST, we recognize the power of teens as changemakers, as well as being the torchbearers for future generations.
At TST, we offer opportunities for service both within and without of our immediate Temple community. (Volunteer opportunities are continuously updated – see the below flyer for the most up-to-date opportunities!) Previous annual teen social action opportunities have included the Walk for Hunger, cooking for Family Promise (often with our friends from the Islamic Center of Boston across the street), as well as an annual STIFTY (youth group) fall bake sale fundraiser that benefits a cause of our teens’ choice. Our teens also connect to other social action opportunities in the community, partnering with the Jewish Teen Initiative and other local organizations for the Metrowest-wide Love Our Neighbors Service Day in October and Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Action in January. We have also hosted community-wide service days for teens here at TST, and are excited to be hosting another one this year on Sunday, April 21st, 2024.
For those teens who are interested in a more regular social action commitment, we offer our T³ (tCubed): Team Teen Tikkun, which provides a monthly social action experience for our grades 8-10 teens.
Want to be connected to Social Action opportunities in our greater area? Got ideas for Social Action programs/initiatives that we could run here at TST? Have a cause you’re particularly passionate about? Feel free to reach out to Jenna Friedman.