High Holy Days 5783

Sukkot-Simchat Torah Spectacular

Posted on October 24, 2022

Yom Kippur Sermon: Cheshbon HaNefesh- Accounting of the Soul

Posted on October 19, 2022

It occurred to me that this moment might be like returning home after a long journey.  Everything appears incredibly familiar and, at the same time, somehow different. As I imagined, so it is!   It is so very good to be home.  Seeing those of you with whom I shared nineteen years of smiles and Continue Reading »

Yom Kippur Yizkor Sermon: Our Inherited Authority on Grief

Posted on October 16, 2022

When my dad sits in services, he does a lot of what I call synagogue math. “If we’re on page 45 now, and the Aleinu is on page 116,” and we’re averaging about 5 minutes per page…then how much longer do I have to sit here…?” (If you’re wondering, he’ll be watching Shir Tikva services Continue Reading »

Kol Nidrei

Posted on October 6, 2022

All vows– resolves and commitments, vows of abstinence and terms of obligation, sworn promises and oaths of dedication– that we promise and swear to G-d, and take upon ourselves from this Day of Atonement until next Day of Atonement, may it find us well: we regret them and for all of them we repent. Let Continue Reading »

Yom Kippur Sermon: You Are Enough

Posted on October 6, 2022

A story is told of a water carrier, who had two pots on a very long pole that she balanced on her shoulders. Each day the woman left her home and walked down a path to the stream where she would fill the pots with water, put them back on her pole, balance the pole Continue Reading »

Nurturing Hope in a “Hopeless” World: Rosh Hashanah I Sermon

Posted on September 28, 2022

A story is told of a town where all of the clocks stopped working (1). The people did what they could to try and repair their time pieces, but despite their best efforts they could not get them going again. No one in town understood the inner workings of the springs, dials, pendulums, and gears – Continue Reading »

Sermon in Song: TST Choir and United Parish Brookline Choir

Posted on September 28, 2022

Introduction by Rabbi Danny Burkeman I remember trying out for my synagogue youth choir when I was a child. I really enjoyed singing and it also meant that I would get to miss a bit of the regular class. They had a policy that everyone was accepted into the choir and so they let me Continue Reading »