If I was a bird, instead of migrating South in the winter, I’d probably migrate further North. I thrive in cold weather and I melt in the heat. I love the magic of snowy days and the sound of rain pitter-pattering against a roof or a window. My ideal state is being snuggled up in Continue Reading »
In case you missed it, we invite you to watch a special message from Rabbi Danny, Ginny MacDowell, and Harris Rosenheim: Click here to show your support for Temple Shir Tikva. Make your impact today
We have big plans for the festival of Sukkot and Simchat Torah here at TST! Join us for a variety of programming events that are fun for the whole family! See below for registration links: Sukkot Morning Service Study in the Sukkah Blood Donation Registration Sukkot-Simchat Torah Spectacular Simchat Torah Celebration Simchat Torah Morning and Continue Reading »
Looking for the High Holy Day Guide? Click the button below to access the descriptions for all High Holy Day services, programming, childcare, and volunteering. Keep checking the guide for updates! Recent updates include: adding links for online machzorim and information about ushers/greeters! High Holy Days 5782 Guide
My best friend from childhood, David, is a Tottenham Hotspurs supporter. Now I know that I’ve lost some of you already, but to translate that means he roots for an English soccer team known affectionally as Spurs. I, on the other hand, am a lifelong Liverpool supporter. They are, of course, Boston’s team as part Continue Reading »
Click the link below to access our resources if you and your loved ones are celebrating the High Holy Days from home: High Holy Days at Home Resource
Thanks to two generous grants from the Combined Jewish Philanthropies and the Commonwealth Nonprofit Security Grant Program, the Early Learning Center was able to make almost $20,000 worth of upgrades to the security and safety systems. Click here to read more.